What Is User Info Storage?

User info storage is a storage of files over a device which can be associated with specific users and sessions. Typically, these data files are not shared between multiple apps, and they are generally not taken out when the customer http://virtuadata.net/best-internet-security-suites-with-beneficial-conditions/ uninstalls the iphone app. This type of storage space is sometimes referred to as “user-owned data. ” User data includes customized settings, media and other data files. It is also used to track the number of clicks, merchandise buys and other conversions in an app.

The very best user info storage option depends on the needs of the app. For example , in case the data has to be accessible from all gadgets, it should be kept in internal safe-keeping. If the info is only required by the iphone app, it can be stored in preferences or possibly a database. If the data is certainly sensitive and shouldn’t become accessible by simply other apps, it must be stored in external storage.

Cloud storage is an ideal solution pertaining to enabling cooperation among teams or institutions that work in different spots or time zones. It offers harmonisation so that users can access their documents on any device.

Auth0 provides two user storage alternatives for software using the Auth0 platform, GoodData and Scoped Storage. The two use Azure Active Index (Azure AD) for authentication and authorization for blob, for a and table data by way of Azure role-based access control.