How to Quit Cocaine, Detoxification and Rehabilitation

Knowing what the options are can help families decide what models will be best for their specific circumstances. There are two main treatment models, inpatient treatment and outpatient treatment, and there are several variations of both of these models. If you or someone you love is living with an addiction to cocaine, help is here. Please contact FHE Health to learn more about our comprehensive treatment opportunities, cocaine addiction treatment including inpatient care, partial hospitalization, and intensive outpatient programming. When your entire lifestyle starts to revolve around drugs, most of your spare time is spent with other users, going to parties or friends’ homes to use drugs or other behaviors related to drug use. After finishing a treatment program, it can feel like second nature to return to these places and reconnect with friends from your past.

However, the cravings will be much less intense and much less frequent than in previous phases. During phase 3, people’s moods may be better overall, but they may still struggle with apathy, irritability, lethargy, and just feeling a little bit off. Eventually, people sober from cocaine will feel as good as they did before they started using cocaine. Luckily, there are not too many physical symptoms that come from cocaine withdrawal. Typically, inpatient or rehab centers provide a range of treatments, including medications, individual and group therapies, mental and physical health treatment, and holistic therapies. Unlike heroin and opioid drugs, there are no medications used to treat cocaine addiction.


A professional treatment center with the trained oversight of medical professionals to manage the process can make it safer and easier. For the sake of this assessment, patients may also undergo blood tests and screening for the presence of any co-occurring mental or physical health issues. Once detox is complete, engaging in counseling and therapy sessions is crucial.

how to stop cocaine addiction

Still, 10 of the 15 patients in the ultrasound clinical trials have remained completely drug free. “We don’t know if it’s going to reverse the damage to the brain, because Alzheimer’s, the underlying cause, is still occurring,” Rezai said. Miller was one of three patients in Rezai’s trial at the Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute in Morgantown, West Virginia. Rezai allowed 60 Minutes to witness his revolutionary attempt to use ultrasound to slow down the cognitive decline of people with Alzheimer’s disease. Intensive meditation, even after only one day, can also affect gene regulation in your brain through similar mechanisms. Attending a monthlong meditation retreat reduces the expression of genes that affect inflammation, and experienced meditators can reduce inflammatory genes after just one day of intensive meditation.

Crack Cocaine Addiction: How to Get off the Drug

The social support provided gives the person encouragement to persevere when they experience intense mood swings. It is also important because a doctor can use small doses of medicines like acetaminophen to manage aches and pains. Without these forms of support, the person is more likely to give in to their intense cravings and relapse. Relapse is also more likely to lead to bingeing, which can cause an overdose. When a person smokes crack, the chemical enters the brain and forces the release of dopamine. This leads to excited energy and a powerful euphoria as well as cravings when the sensation wears off.

  • A half-hearted approach to treatment will result in half-hearted results.
  • The stories of others are also a reminder that your goal can be achieved and you too can grow beyond addiction.
  • Addiction can take a serious toll on relationships, making a conversation about addiction treatment even more challenging.
  • If you have been a serious cocaine user, this is why it is important to start the recovery process with the help of a medical professional.