Pros and cons of WebSockets the complete guide

The connection will normally stay open and idle until either the client or the server is ready to send a message. Using extensions, it will be possible to send frames compressed, multiplexed, etc. You can find server accepted extensions by examining the extensions property of the WebSocket object after the open event. There is no officially published extensions spec just yet as of February 2012. WebSocket was first seen in HTML5 specifications as TCPConnection, a place holder for a TCP-based socket API.

Websocket link characteristics

Attaching some event handlers immediately to the connection allows you to know when the connection is opened, received incoming messages, or there is an error. REST’s flexibility means that you can choose precisely how to implement your REST API. For example, HTTP’s latency compared to other protocols might frustrate you. The SwaggerSocket open source project tried to do just that. But REST and HTTP go together well because they’re both designed around the request-response model. WebSocket’s stateful, event-based model means it’s not a one-for-one replacement.


It’s easy to overlook, but REST isn’t a protocol, which means you have a great deal of flexibility to mold it to your needs. Its popularity is largely due to its simplicity and the fact that it reuses the methods and technologies already used for the web. And that largely defines the use cases where it does well and those where you’ll need to find an alternative.

The callback receives an event object and the actual message is accessible via the data property. The web has been largely built around the so-called request/response paradigm of HTTP. A client loads up a web page and then nothing happens until the user clicks onto the next page. Around 2005, AJAX started to make the web feel more dynamic. Still, all HTTP communication was steered by the client, which required user interaction or periodic polling to load new data from the server.

Client example

The latest Chrome and Chrome for Android are fully compatible with RFC6455 including binary messaging. Also, Firefox will be compatible on version 11, Internet Explorer on version 10. You can still use older protocol versions but it is not recommended since they are known to be vulnerable. If you have server implementations for older versions of WebSocket protocol, we recommend you to upgrade it to the latest version. To close a WebSocket connection, a closing frame is sent (opcode 0x08). In addition to the opcode, the close frame may contain a body that
indicates the reason for closing.

From that point, the connection is binary and does not conform to HTTP protocol. A server application is aware of all WebSocket connections and can communicate with each one individually. As WebSocket remains open, either the server or the user can send messages at any time until one of them closes the session. The communication can be initiated at either end, which makes event-driven web programming possible.

gRPC vs. WebSocket: Key differences and which to use

With long polling, the client opens an HTTP connection to the server which keeps it open until sending response. Whenever the server actually has new data it sends the response (other techniques involve Flash, how does websocket work XHR multipart requests and so called htmlfiles). You use them every day in applications such as GMail chat. It used to support only strings, but in the latest spec it now can send binary messages too.

Here’s an example where any client can increment or decrement a counter. The readyState will become OPEN once
the connection is ready to transfer data. Though some servers accept a short Sec-WebSocket-Key, many modern servers will reject the request with error “invalid Sec-WebSocket-Key header”. WebSocket is distinct from HTTP used to serve most webpages. To achieve compatibility, the WebSocket handshake uses the HTTP Upgrade header[3] to change from the HTTP protocol to the WebSocket protocol.


Once a WebSocket connection has been established, messages can be sent asynchronously in either direction by the client or server. At this point, the network connection remains open and can be used to send WebSocket messages in either direction. The Payload data includes arbitrary application data and any extension
data that has been negotiated between the client and the server.

Websocket link characteristics

A WebSocket server can receive events from clients, process them to update the
application state, and broadcast the updated state to all connected clients. Normally, when a party wants to close the connection (both browser and server have equal rights), they send a “connection close frame” with a numeric code and a textual reason. But the user has a slow network connection, maybe on a mobile internet, outside of a city. WebSockets are particularly useful in situations where low-latency or server-initiated messages are required, such as real-time feeds of financial data. WebSocket connections are initiated over HTTP and are typically long-lived. Messages can be sent in either direction at any time and are not transactional in nature.

What is the difference between HTTP and WebSockets?

You must download
localhost.pem and save it
in the same directory as Serve() executes the connection handler coroutine hello()
once for each WebSocket connection. It closes the WebSocket connection when
the handler returns. WebSocket by itself does not include reconnection, authentication and many other high-level mechanisms. So there are client/server libraries for that, and it’s also possible to implement these capabilities manually. WebSocket is a modern way to have persistent browser-server connections.

  • The event sent by the WebSocket object when the connection closes.
  • Other platforms also have their means to work with WebSocket.
  • This article aims to present the advantages and benefits WebSocket brings to the table, as well as its disadvantages and limitations.
  • But let’s say you also wanted to add live customer service chat to the banking app.
  • The data can be passed in both directions as “packets”, without breaking the connection and the need of additional HTTP-requests.

Even if the network connection stays open, this will be used for a separate transaction of a request and a response. Using WebSocket creates a whole new usage pattern for server side applications. While traditional server stacks such as LAMP are designed around the HTTP request/response cycle they often do not deal well with a large number of open WebSocket connections. Keeping a large number of connections open at the same time requires an architecture that receives high concurrency at a low performance cost.

For request-driven interactions like typical CRUD operations, then REST is the better choice. Where devices need to send data at regular intervals or triggered by a state change, REST could be suitable. However, it limits communication to one-way and there are better options available.

Websocket link characteristics