IT and Software Development Glossary of Terms

(2) A point of communication between two or more processes, persons, or other physical entities. (3) A peripheral device which permits two or more devices to communicate. (1) (ANSI/IEEE) A program statement that causes a computer to perform a particular operation or set of operations. (2) (ISO) In a programming language, a meaningful expression that specifies one operation and identifies its operands, if any. Implementation phase.

A unique identifier used to identify software items and the related software documentation which are subject to configuration control. A multitasking, multiple-user (time-sharing) operating system developed at Bell Labs to create a favorable environment for programming research and development. Transmission control protocol/Internet protocol. A set of communications protocols developed for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency to internetwork dissimilar systems.

Ubiquitous Language

(ISO) A device that generates periodic, accurately spaced signals used for such purposes as timing, regulation of the operations of a processor, or generation of interrupts. (1) (IEEE) A data value that corresponds to a minimum or maximum input, internal, or output value specified for a system or component. (2) A value which lies at, or just inside or just outside a specified range of valid input and output values. (IEEE) A short computer program that is permanently resident or easily loaded into a computer and whose execution brings a larger program, such an operating system or its loader, into memory. (ISO) The part of the error control procedure that is used for determining that a block of data is structured according to given rules. (NIST) Translating a program expressed in an assembly language into object code.

  • It’s important to distinguish between mobile apps and web apps, as they are built differently.
  • A software tool which analyzes potential conflicts in a system as a result of the occurrences of interrupts.
  • Specialized circuitry or a dedicated microprocessor that transfers data from memory to memory without using the CPU.
  • (4) A discrete location in a database that contains an unique piece of information.
  • Corrective maintenance.

(1) (ISO) On a data medium or in storage, a specified area used for a particular class of data; e.g., a group of character positions used to enter or display wage rates on a screen. (2) Defined logical data that is part of a record. (3) The elementary unit of a record that may contain a data item, a data aggregate, a pointer, or a link. (4) A discrete location in a database that contains an unique piece of information. A field is a component of a record.

Error message when what was requested cannot be found; often because the link that was requested is either broken or dead.

Contrast with software development process, software life cycle. A combination of programming language and natural language used to express a software design. If used, it is usually the last document produced prior to writing the source code. Optical character recognition.

software development glossary

A record is a component of a database. A device which has its own computing power dedicated to specific functions, usually consisting of a microprocessor and firmware. The computer becomes an integral part of the device as opposed to devices which are controlled by an independent, stand-alone computer. It implies software that integrates operating system and application functions. (ANSI) The aids provided for the understanding of the structure and intended uses of an information system or its components, such as flowcharts, textual material, and user manuals.